We’re starting a new spotlight on our blog. Every month, we’ll feature a guest post from one of our doctors. They’ll share their first hand experiences and insider tips on everything from vision to their favorite past-times to what inspires them in their profession.
My name is Michael Ware and I’m the practice development manager here at Virginia Eye Consultants.
I’ve had fun this month pulling together some of our doctors and staff to participate in the Hampton Roads Sports Commission’s Corporate Challenge on April 18. We’ve formed a basketball team called the VA Eyeballers and we’re ready to have some fun shooting hoops against other companies in Hampton Roads! We’ve heard there’s a landscaping team known as the Rootballers…. We look forward to taking them on!
One of the doctors I share a favorite past-time with is Dr. Kuc. We haven’t had the chance to surf together yet but it’s a sport we are both passionate about and have done since our earlier years. He started surfing in Long Beach Island, New Jersey and I grew up on the water here in Virginia Beach. Summer is around the corner and surfs up! Remember your shades.