What causes Ocular Rosacea?
Scientists do not know what causes rosacea. Some research has shown a possible link between rosacea and the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium also causes gastrointestinal infections.
What can aggravate rosacea?
The following factors are known to aggravate rosacea:
- Exposure to heat, sunlight, wind and cold
- Strenuous physical activity
- Drinking alcohol
- Consuming hot drinks or spicy foods
- Experiencing emotional stress
- Coughing for long periods
What is the treatment for Ocular Rosacea?
Rosacea cannot be cured, but it can be treated and controlled. Ocular symptoms are usually treated with oral antibiotics or prescription eye drops or ointments containing steroids.
Our eye doctors in Virginia Beach recommend that patients who develop eyelid infections with rosacea scrub their eyelids very gently with baby shampoo mixed with water. They should also apply warm compresses to their eyes several times a day.