July is National Dry Eye Awareness Month. Dry eye disease is a multi-factorial disease that affects an estimated 25 million people in the United States alone. It is often under-recognized and under-diagnosed.
One of the latest devices in dry eye technology is the TearLab Osmolarity System. By using the TearLab, Accredited Dry Eye Centers like Virginia Eye Consultants can quickly and painlessly measure a small sample of a patient’s tears to determine how dry they truly are. Your unique “tear number” will allow your doctor to decipher the best means of treatment for you.
Eighty-six percent of dry eye patients suffer from evaporative dry eye. The only FDA-cleared treatment for evaporative dry eye is LipiFlow®, which is available at Virginia Eye Consultants.
Evaporative dry eye disease is caused when blocked meibomian glands prevent the eyes from secreting enough oily lipids to maintain a comfortable tear consistency. LipiFlow® unblocks these oil glands, thus helping the eyes restore a healthy tear film.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of dry eye disease, such as dryness, soreness, burning, grittiness or eye fatigue, schedule a consultation with one of our expert eye care physicians to discuss your options. Call Virginia Eye Consultants at 757-622-2200.