Are you finding it harder to focus your eyes while reading or driving? Maybe your vision seems blurry or dim even though you just bought a new pair of glasses. You could write these off as signs of “old age”, but they may be likely signs of cataracts. In fact, cataracts are the number one cause of poor vision in adults. A cataract is a clouding of the lens, which obstructs the light from passing through properly. The lens is responsible for focusing images that enter the eye, but the blockage of light causes these images to register as being dim, blurred, and can even effect the perception of color. The only way to properly identify cataracts is to be diagnosed during an eye exam, as cataracts cannot be seen from the outside.
Luckily cataract surgeries have a success rate of more than 95%! Dr. Stephen Scoper, Vice President and lead refractive surgeon at Virginia Eye Consultants, has earned an international reputation as a specialist in every aspect of refractive surgery, including cataract surgery. Since the only way to treat cataracts is by replacing the lens, Dr. Scoper and the team of doctors at VEC have added the revolutionary ReSTOR IOL (intraocular lens) to their list of state-of-the-art cataract treatment options. ReSTOR is a fast and often painless surgery that involves replacing the natural lens with a permanent Intraocular Lens. The tapered shape of the ReSTOR lens allows for all-distance vision and often erases the need for glasses or corrective lenses. During the procedure the doctors will make a very small incision and insert an instrument to dissolve the lens that has become cloudy. After dissolving the old lens, the doctors will insert the new ReSTOR lens in its place. Because the incision in the eye is so small, stitches are not necessary and the eye heals itself.
This procedure has revolutionized the way cataract surgery is viewed and performed. The quick and virtually pain free process provides most patients with the ability to return to normal activities the day following their procedure! In fact, as many as 4 out of 5 patients have reported never having to wear glasses or corrective lenses again.
Are you ready to restore your clear vision with ReSTOR? Call Virginia Eye Consultants at 757-622-2200 for your cataract surgery evaluation or to learn more about this procedure.